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SAGC Policies

Policy Number 1: Memberships

While SAGC is open to the public, memberships may be purchased on an annual basis.  Current pricing is:


Single: $475

Spouse: $280

College:  $150, must have current college I.D.

Junior: $75, under 18 and still in school.

GHIN: $50 (2024)


Annual memberships are due on April 1st of each Year.  Members wishing to pay partial, may pay fees in two payments: The first being on April 1st for $250 and the 2nd due July 1st for $250 (30 day grace period) 

Players (former members) wishing to play after the grace period must pay full green fees.  There will be no exceptions. 


Memberships may be revoked at any time for disruptive play, or other actions that would be considered unsportsmanlike.  Revocation will be determined by the SAGC board of directors.  Anyone not paying 2nd half dues and wishing to pay membership the following year, must pay 2nd half from previous year. (No exceptions) Membership cancellation/refund: Once member fees have been paid, membership dues are generally non-refundable. Exceptions for special individual circumstances will be reviewed and approved by the board.


Policy Number 1 approved by: SAGC Board

Policy 1
Policy 2

Policy Number 2: Reservations, Dress, and General Rules

Tee Time Reservations:

Phone reservations may be made seven days in advance respectively by calling the golf shop at 719-336-5274 anytime during normal business hours.  

Dress Code:

Both men and women are required to wear golf appropriate attire. Men must wear a collared golf shirt or T-shirt. Women may wear what is deemed golf attire by the golf fashion industry. Tank tops, cut off shorts, beach wear, or gym wear, are not proper attire.  Sole discretion regarding golf appropriate attire is left up to the golf shop staff. 


Other Policies:

Children under 12 Years of age, accompanied by a member or fully paid adult will play for free.  Parents/guardians are responsible for children and must ensure that speed of play rules are adhered to. All players must have their own set of clubs.


No outside food is permitted. All alcoholic beverages must be purchased from Spreading Antlers Golf Course.


Spreading Antlers Golf Course is a spike-less golf facility. No metal spikes are permitted.


Spreading Antlers Golf Course is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen, or left at the facility. However, The golf course staff will make every effort to help guests find lost property.


Policy Number 2 approved by:  SAGC Board

Policy Number 3: Assumption of Risk and Release from Liability

Participants understand and agree that there are certain dangers involved with the participation in golf games.  Including but not limited to, being struck by lightning, getting hit by a golf club, suffering from heat exhaustion, heart attack or injury from uneven terrain. All of which risks participant assumes and solely accept, and waives all claims of injury to body or property against Spreading Antlers Golf Club. Further, the participant agrees that while on the premises of a Spreading Antlers Golf Club tournament, he or she, and anyone else affiliated with participant: shall be present at their own risk and that Spreading Antlers Golf Club shall not be liable for any claims for injuries or damages whatsoever to person or property of the participant or related person arising out of, or in connection with the participation in the tournament, or presence at the tournament. Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Spreading Antlers Golf Club from all claims by or liability to participant or affiliated person.


Spreading Antlers parking lot, shared with Lamar Elks, is a “park at your own risk” area.  Players and visitors must ensure vehicles are secured and properly parked.


Policy Number 3 approved by: SAGC Board

Policy 3
Policy 4

Policy Number 4: Tournaments

Tournament Formats:

The majority of tournaments are scrambles, although other team and individual formats may be included.  The field may include a Championship Flight that competes on gross and net scores.  Additional flights usually compete on gross and net scores.  Spreading Antlers Golf Club play will be governed by the current Rules of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association (USGA®.) Other specialized formats, such as match play or best ball, will be played in accordance with USGA® Rules of Golf.  



The Board is responsible for determining dates and tournament formats prior to the season.  The tournament committee will be responsible, along with Spreading Antlers Golf Course staff; to support the club in various ways:  including setting up the tournament, Tournament Pairings;  handling player registration, check-in, and Skins money collection if applicable; to enter scores after the event; dispense prize money and shop credits, and assist with pace of play monitoring.   


Tournament Flights:

Many Spreading Antlers Golf Club events are flighted based on the size of the field, and the most reasonable handicap distributions for each tournament.  Final decisions on flighting are solely at the discretion of the Spreading Antlers Golf Club Board. 



Players are flighted initially based upon their most current USGA® Handicap Index® or a modified tournament index assigned to individual participants by the Handicap Committee of the Club Board.  Players without established handicaps can play in Men’s Club tournaments but must play to a Zero handicap.


Player Minimums:

Benefit tournaments will need at least 12, 4 person teams. (Minimum of 48 Players) All tournaments will be charged $35 per player payable to SAGC tournament fund. Exceptions will be approved in advance by the SAGC Board of Directors.


Prize Money:

For each tournament, a portion of each player’s entry fee is used to populate each flight’s prize pool. The value of the prize pool at each tournament will be established prior to the tournament and is based on participation. In the event of a tie, each flight winner is determined by a scorecard playoff using the USGA® Card Match Method, and is paid the full first place prize money allocation.   Score ties in other places will stand, and split the prize money allocated for that place.  In order to adhere to the USGA® Rules of Amateur Status, no single prize awarded will exceed $750 in value. Prize money may be paid in cash or gift certificates.


Tournament Registration:

Events have a limitation on the number of entries, and each event will be filled on a first come, first-served basis. Members are encouraged not to wait until the entry deadline, which is typically on Friday of the week prior to the tournament, as any event may sell-out well in advance. Late entries will not be allowed unless approved by SAGC Board.


Payment Policy:

Greens fees and tournament entry fees should be made by check or cash prior to or at the time of tournament registration. Skins buy-in, when applicable, is paid in cash at the course the day of the event, upon check-in. Registrations for tournaments may be held using a Credit Card.  Payment on day of event must be made in either CASH or CHECK.


Cancellations and No Shows:

If a player registers for a tournament, and withdraws at any point prior to the end of the tournament, the member may be subject to forfeiture of greens fees and entry fees.   Credit for a future event in the same season may be offered if cancellation is received before tee times are published.  If cancellation is received after tee times are published, credit is typically not offered, except in unusual circumstances or medical emergencies.


Tournament Handicaps:

Rule 10.3e of the USGA Handicap Manual enables the handicap committee to reduce a player’s handicap for any Club tournament, if it deems a player’s performance continues to exceed his potential ability.  Several methodologies exist for this purpose.  The member will be notified of any adjustments made by the Board. 


Starting Times:

Tournaments will typically use sequential starting times with periodic  shotgun starts.  Pairings will be posted prior to the event.   Pairings are subject to change prior to the event. If an individual starting time has been changed, the Tournament Director will notify individuals impacted by the change in advance.


Policy Number 4 approved by:  SAGC Board

Policy Number 5: On Course Rules

On Course Rules

All play will be governed by the current USGA® Rules of Golf as set forth by the USGA®.   Spreading Antlers Golf Club or Course Management provides information containing local rules and any special rules that will govern play before each tournament. Pets and firearms are prohibited on the course.


Player Conduct

Spreading Antlers Golf Club Players shall conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times. Any excessive display of anger, vulgar language, club throwing, alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, lack of golfing etiquette or disrespect to a fellow player, golf course staff member, or any other individual may be grounds for disqualification from any tournament and expulsion from the Club.  Spreading Antlers Golf Club Board reserves the right to revoke the membership, without a refund, of any individual at any time for conduct deemed inappropriate or damaging.



In the event that the course is extremely crowded, the club manager or tournament directors may opt to place marshal(s) on the course to speed up play and ensure that all players are following all course rules and regulations. 


Policy 5
Policy 6
Policy Number 6: Inclement Weather

Severe weather-related conditions may prevent, delay or suspend play when the course is rendered unplayable, or the safety of players is at risk, as determined by golf course staff. 


Spreading Antlers Golf Club will do everything possible to complete the full number of holes in a tournament.


Tournaments, especially in the spring, can be delayed due to frost.  Participants should remain on the premises and wait for the tournament to resume.  No refunds/rollovers will be issued for weather delays. 


In the event a tournament is played but the player chooses not to play in less-than-perfect weather, the player must check in on site for the event, and a rain check for golf only will be issued by golf course staff in accordance with Spreading Antlers Golf Course rain check policies. Greens fees and tournament fees will not be refunded. 


Policy Number 6 approved by:  SAGC Board

Policy 7
Policy Number 7: Handicap Flag Usage and Prerequisites

SAGC members with handicaps that physically hinder their speed of play will be allowed to display handicap flags on their golf cart. These flags will be available to those who are in need and the flag shall be paid by the user.


These flags will be issued by the course and must be displayed by the person granted use and not used by others utilizing the cart of said handicap player. 


Provisions are: Flag bearer will be allowed to park no closer than 10 yards of greens and tee boxes.  May not park cart on green or tee box. They will be allowed to drive on Par 3 hole fairways at a 90 degree angle.  They will not be allowed to drive in native areas,  All other rules will still apply to users and cart occupants.


All handicap users will fill out applications stating why he or she should be allowed to display handicap flag, then appear in person to clarify use to the board. These flags are not permanent and users will periodically need to “re-apply” for use of flag.


Any misuse of these flags could result in revocation of these privileges.  Flags will be issued only after approval from SAGC Board.


Policy Number 7 approved by:  SAGC Board

Policy 8
Policy Number 8: Cart Shed Usage

Members may rent a cart shed from SAGC for the price of $240 per year.  Annual rental fees are payable September 1st of each year.  Renters must be members of SAGC in good standing. 


Member will receive 1 key and must return it when surrendering their shed.  There is no charge for use of electricity when charging carts. 


Players are responsible for any, and all items left in the shed, ie: clubs, and any other equipment.  Occupants will be held liable for any damage to shed or door and said damage will be reported to club house. 


Occupants “loaning” carts will be responsible for damage or theft of any other cart or items within same shed.


Shed dues are payable on September 1st of each year. There will be a 30 grace period. There will be a 10% administrative fee each month thereafter starting October 1st. After 90 days of delinquency, Cart will be removed from shed.


Policy Number 8 approved by:  SAGC Board

Policy 9
Policy Number 9: Rental Cart Usage

Anyone wishing to use SAGC Carts may do so if playing golf or spectating during an event. 


Cost for rentals is $14 for 9 holes and $22 for 18, this is both for weekdays and weekends.


Cost for spectating is $10, 2 persons per cart.


Coaches may use carts at no charge.  2 persons per cart.  Shuttles with a maximum of 3 persons in cart.


SAGC carts must have a licensed operator.


Carts may be taken to parking lot for club pick-up.


Carts are to remain on trails and should be driven at 90 degrees whenever possible.


Policy Number 9 approved by: SAGC Board

Policy 10
Policy Number 10: MEMORIAL SIGNS 


To Provide guidelines for construction and /or placement of permanent Memorial stones, Benches, Signs and other like items at Spreading Antlers Golf Course.

  1. Any and all permanent fixtures to the grounds here at SAGC must be approved in advance by existing board, as well as the Course Superintendent. The course will not be responsible for any maintenance or “clean-up/weeding” to constructed. The course superintendent will be final determining factor of where Memorial will be placed.

  2. Any monument that involves a past member, must be approved by next of kin/family.

  3. The course will not use any general funds to place or erect said monument.

  4. Those wishing to place such a fixture must submit in writing, to the board, who the monument is for and why they feel we should allow this to be part of our course. This would include monetary,  in-kind, and/or time contributions to the course. Monuments will be posthumous, unless other special circumstances exist.

  5. A 3-month waiting period will be required.


Policy Number 9 approved by: SAGC Board

© 2021 by SAGC.  Paid for by Prowers County Lodging Tax Board.

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